What is "NETI" kriya in yoga

INTRODUCTION : As we have discussed earlier in the previous blog that there are six kriyas which are called "SHAT KRIYAS" in yoga which help to clean the body internally so that the practitioner of yoga can improve the practice quality day by day. Here we will discuss what is NETI KRIYA in detail. Meaning of neti: The kriya which is done to clean the nosal passage internally is called the neti kriya which is most favorite of people among the SHAT KRIYAS. Types of neti : There are two types of neti 1) sutra neti( सूत्र नेति) 2) jal neti(जल नेति) Let's discuss sutra neti first..... 1) Sutra neti ( सूत्र नेति) Here sutra neti is also can be done by two different prompts one is "Katheter" Which is a rubber pipe And the other is called "sutar" Which is a thin knitted cotton . Do it wisely under the supervision of yog coach. ACCORDING TO GHERAD SAMHITA " सूत्रम् वितस्तिसुस्निग्धं नासानाले प्रवेश...