The details of The mystical 7 chakras and balancing the 7 chakras.


In ancient times all the saints used to meditate for the years and years by that experience they felt the soul energy that already exists in the human body. As they kept practicing they were able to control their inner mechanism and thought process. According to them human body has main 7 spiritual chakras  which can be detected in the xray of human body but that exist in the spiritual body of the humans and that energies felt by so many spiritual practitioners. 

                   7 chakras

If we identify the exactly where these chakras are in the human body according to the old saints, human body has three major nadis(नाड़ी) 
Inda(इंडा) , pingala(पिंगला) , sushumna ( सुषुम्ना)  . In the third nadi sushumna nadi there is highly meditative points (चैतसिक केंद्र) and yogis called it chakras. 

In yogic scriptures the number of chakras are 4 to 111 chakras but the major are 7 accepted by comparing different scriptures. 

The seven chakras are:
1.MULADHARA ( the root chakra) 
2.SWADHISTHANA (the sacral chakra) 
3.MANIPUR (the solar plexus chakra) 
4. ANAHATA ( the heart chakra) 
5.VISHUDDHA (the throat chakra) 
6.AJNA ( the brow/ the third eye chakra) 
7.SAHASTRARA ( the crown chakra) . 

1.MULADHARA (the root chakra) 

Place : base of the spine in tail bone area
Petals : four
Colour: red 
Tatva bija : लं(lām) 
Tatva : land ( पृथ्वी) 

2.SWADHISTHANA ( the sacral  chakra) 

Place : below the navel, where perineum is
Petals : six
Colour : orange 
Tatva bija : वं ( vām) 
Tatva : jal (  जल) 

3. MANIPUR CHAKRA( the solar plexus chakra) 

 Place: belly button
Petals : ten
Tatva bija : रं( rām) 
Tatva : (अग्नि) 
  Colour : yellowish

4.ANAHATA CHAKRA ( the heart chakra) 

Place : between your chest
Petals : twelve
Colour : greeny
Tatva bija : यं (yām) 
Tatva : gayu ( वायु) 

5.VISHUDDHA ( the throat chakra) 

Palce : throat
Petals : sixteen
Colour : blue 
Tatva bija : हं( hām) 
Tatva : akash ( आकाश) 

6. AJNA ( the brow/ the third eye chakra) 

Place : between the eyebrow on forehead
Petals : two
Colour : dark blue
Tatva bija : ओम् 
Tatva : mahat

7. SAHASTRARA ( the crown chakra) 

Place : on the top of your head
Petals: thousand
Colour : purple
Tatva bija : ओम्

These are the basic information that human should know about the 7 main chakra. 
In the next blog I will discuss every chakra individually in detail.

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