8 limb's of yoga | journey of yoga


Maharishi Patanjali has describe the 8 steps to do yoga in a right and ethical way. If one wants to start the journey of yoga they must be having this glimpse of the 8 limbs of the yoga.let's directly jump into the 8 limbs of yoga as under.

8 Limbs of yoga 

1) yama,(2)niyama (3)asana (4)pranayama (5)pratyahara (6) dharana (7) dhyan (8) samadhi


"yama" means the rules that person should follow by his own self.in simpler words yama means self control..yoga practitioner initially try to control on him/her self and then develop a discipline and then move further in yoga journey.

main yamas:


secondary yamas:



niyamas are the laws that we follow externally,

main niyamas

shauch,santosh,tapa,swadhyaya,ishwar pranidhan.

secondary niyamas



asanas are the physical practices of yoga. as lord shiva has given 84,00,000 asanas to the world. every yogi practice the asanas for good physical health.In asanas there is a concept called "aasanjaya"-which means if a person hold any asana for 3 hours continuously then he/she is calledd "aasanajaya".


pranayama is mainly breath work,to clean your internal body through breath and have a calm mindset and the inner peace.yoga has eight types of pranayamas whic called in sanskrit "ASTAKUMBHAKA"

which include bhramari,plavini,murcha,bhastrika,surya bhedana,ujjayi,sitali-shitkari.


remove negativity from ourself and focus only on the positive and the good things in life as well as we have to shift our focus from outer objects to inner consciousness.


dharana is the concentrated mind.which means having a clear vision that what you want to do int he life and having consciousness on holding,breathing,maintaining,retaining.etc...


dhyana can be traslated as the meditation.to focus on our inner self and awareness.when people doing meditation with good practice they can automatically can stop thinking and reach to the higher state of consciousness.


samadhi is free from any object and act from this world.those people who choose samadhi have no interese in the objective and materialistic things in this world. their only objective left is to meet the divine as soon as possible.

these are the 8 limb's of yoga ,which tried to explain in the very simpler language and very shortly..


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